Musicalizing after the Pandemic…
2023 was an exciting year. It’s been eventful and besides my other professional pursuits I’ve been busy: the tango journey continues. I am and will be traveling to musicalize Milongas, Tango Marathons, in-betweeners or Tango Parties, and Encuentros.
The my schedule for 2024 is nearly complete, so if you’re interested, contact me rather sooner than later. So I kid you not when I am disclosing to being approached for bookings in March, April and May 2025 already. Hence, drop a message ~~juliana[at]
Quite recently I have been asked if I am returning to teaching tango (again). If offered in a bundle with musicalizing, to share transportation costs with other schools, or in a similar context, the answer is YES. However, I will only teach applied musicality. Teaching especially technique, adornos/decorations, steps, etc. as an exclusive or sole service is a NO. There is only so much lecturing per week my voice box can take and note, I am engaging in that the other part of the week, too 😉
Either way, I am approachable and looking forward to making your acquaintance.
Juliana Thutlwa
/ˌdʒuliˈənə ‘tut‘əlva/